Sunday, May 16, 2010

Eléonore est née :)

j'ai tenu une petite fille de 1 jours dans mes bras!
53cm, 3.3kg, c est vraiment mignon

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

SAXS - Primus - plot bug solution is so simple!

i had problems plotting SAXS data in PPRIMUS (ATSAS) for the last 4 years and i finally found the uttermost ridiculous solution: after the saxs data had been normalised in excel/openoffice and converted back in ASCII text, the most stupid bug kept banning me from plotting and calculating Guinier Rg (radius of gyration): it only plotted a 1D graph = line, not very usefull. (and where sasplot plotted it fine in 2D)

in Primus: open the file, just press merge, then only select the merged file, then press plot, then press Guinier.