Once upon a time there was some people having some holidays to take just before christmas. They came to grenoble to spend some time in the city and in the surrounding mountains. the time spent in the city was nice but cold...
The mountain was something else since some of the people had to learn how to surf/ski.
First "une mise en jambes" climbing to the bastille of Grenoble to check the view. Then we choose Les 2 alpes and Alpes d'Huez to train the beginners in ski/surf since the snow was not present in lower ski stations. (end december!!!)
Good thing to know: in L'alpe d'huez, there are a lot of dark tracks!!!!
The mountain was something else since some of the people had to learn how to surf/ski.
First "une mise en jambes" climbing to the bastille of Grenoble to check the view. Then we choose Les 2 alpes and Alpes d'Huez to train the beginners in ski/surf since the snow was not present in lower ski stations. (end december!!!)
Good thing to know: in L'alpe d'huez, there are a lot of dark tracks!!!!
Here are some of the adventures of L-P, Pat, Clai and Max.
I feel so much better now that Pat has found another victim!
The 8 km long "cours Jean-Jaurès" in Grenoble seen from the Bastille... according to a friend it would be longer than the champs Elysées in Paris if half the road was not renamed... must be a french story somewhere....
The mood in the Chistmas market in Place victor hugo....
We finished the night in a Moules frittes restaurant... (see the blog of Sofia for the nice piccies: http://asherat.blogspot.com/2006_12_01_asherat_archive.html)
the thing is that the snow was not really on time at the appointment.... they had to bring it with a truck.... oops it does not seem good for the quality of the "pistes"
WAAAAH we are so pro! heuu well Louis-P was still beginner so lets not mention some of his little problems: (right picture) on the right top corner: L-P and on the bottom left corner of the picture: his ski!!!!!! ;)

the break: snow battle... with a pre-defined target... hehe

1, 2 and 3 inches???
Some of the survivors:

On the 23rd december, we learned that the airport of Charleroi (which does not enter the right category to work when heavy low clouds are present!) was closed... Indeed, we almost choose to go back to belgium by plane.... it would have been funny not to be able to come back home for Christmas! I still believe in my little star in the sky ;)
the break: snow battle... with a pre-defined target... hehe
1, 2 and 3 inches???
Some of the survivors:
On the 23rd december, we learned that the airport of Charleroi (which does not enter the right category to work when heavy low clouds are present!) was closed... Indeed, we almost choose to go back to belgium by plane.... it would have been funny not to be able to come back home for Christmas! I still believe in my little star in the sky ;)
sounds like y'all had fun...surely patricia is not so 'terrible'? i had fun meeting her, thanks for inviting me the other day...have a good Boxing Day!
~Sarah 2
First of all I must say that you are really lazy... who gave you the right to make links to my blog?! hã?! LOLOL
I am glad that everybody had a nice time there... I specially like the picture http://bp0.blogger.com/_SPHPHWKw_Sc/RY-fd8hk0_I/AAAAAAAAAAk/SGKyRfPuIFg/s1600-h/IMG_3497.JPG
It looks like you are small which is not the true :).
Kisses everybody and by the way... Happy 2007 ;)
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