The day before my departure (saturday) i got the suitcase that a close friend (Susana G) could not take with her to Lisbon because she was already overloaded with her 5 bags of all sizes...
The arrival:
So i decided to inaugurate the tram line from Seyssins to the station of Grenoble. The thing is that i did not take enaugh advance to get to the bus on time. When i arrived to the gare routiere... the bus was just leaving in front of my nose.... thankfully i always take a bus in advance not to miss the flight. So i arrived in the airport of Lyon St exupery just 1 min before closure of the check-in.
The suit case of susana was then given to the company...
i got the flight and once arrived in Lisbon, i was a bit worried because the suitcase of my friend was not coming. This had to happen only when you have the bag of somebody else I decided to get to the Baggage claim office. There was only one person at the desk and it was 10 numbers before my turn (the football championship match with portugal was about to begin) ... i tried to call the poor girl that was waiting for me on the other side of the Douane but i must not have understood very well how a public phone works, because i did not succeed to call her.... almost 2 hours later i finally met her in the hall. I was not very proud of me...
Back from the conference:
The terrible group before the lunch of the friday evening, Sofia is very elegant!

Lets meet all again in 10 years?
In Santa Cruz:
Sofia invited me for a bit of beach time in one of her preferred place. We both enjoyed the time passed there, it was great and nice to relax after so much pressure on our shoulders.
Sofia invited me for a bit of beach time in one of her preferred place. We both enjoyed the time passed there, it was great and nice to relax after so much pressure on our shoulders.
The afternoon
Sofia told me that she was driving slowly and i asked then what it must be when she is going fast! it would be burning hell...? Actually, she drives safe and i was totally confident with her, but that was funny to bug her about it ;) hihi

It is Leonor that begun! not me!

Sofia did not forget about my birthday and i met her sister and husband .... how not to remark the little daughter, Leonor, she was as energic as a dislocated string jumping in all directions hehehe!
And she even helped me to blow the candles! I saw she was shy in the beginning but she played a bit with me after some time.

Leonor is super i had an idea of the behaviour of Sofia at that age according to her parents... no worries at all, my father told me i was insupportable as well.

It looks like they have the same nice smile gene!
Are they both chinese as well?
Are they both chinese as well?
Sofia is a very exceptionnal women. She even can manipulate the mouse of her computer with her toes (or footfingers)!
(this picture would be perfect in respect to that if only Sofia did not hold the mouse in her hand... ups i must be french!)
(this picture would be perfect in respect to that if only Sofia did not hold the mouse in her hand... ups i must be french!)

the beauty ...............................................................................and the beast !
The departure: (snif!)
Just a bit before the last hugs...from the known planning, i will have to wait abit more than 2 months before i could bug her again...
did you remark as well that sometimes i am a bit distracted? again i forgot something in the place of my friend .... my swimming ... i have another but it is a bit annoying...
And the story continues...
i had the strange impression that football does not like me.... first there was the arrival of the portuguese football team in lisbon airport which worried a bit my friend since she kindly proposed to drive me to the airport. Fortunately they were gone when we arrived.
Second, the fact that i can not rely on this crap tram. I only needed it for few times only and it turns out that it was when there are manifestations or risk of popular trouble. so no tram circulation in the centre of the city. Yesterday i had to walk until the stop "Jaures" of the new line C leading to Seyssins... but it was fun because i was jumping from a bar to another to get the latest results of the match France -Italy... was all the time 1-1...
Arriving to seyssins i though the adventure was almost finished. But the moon was fully bright and a lot of strange animals are getting out of their lairs.... in the last dark (and freakening out) 50 m before reaching the house, i met a hedgehog (herisson)... this would be without interest if i was not wearing small summer shoes with a short and if the small excited animal wasn't coming quick to me.... glups, i ran away without saying good-bye and asking its name...
extenuated, the tongue brushing the stairs, i arrived finally to the kitchen to get a little thing to eat....then a guy i do not know got out of the rest room and disappeared, .... both the flatmates arrived to check if i was not a thief, their guest told them there was somebody in the kitchen, it was very funny!!!
i watched with them italy put a correction to france at the 5 final goal shots.
Well I also disagree with some of the things hehehe :)
First:"It is Leonor that begun! not me!"- It was not my niece who started... It was you MAX:D
Second: "Are they both chinese as well?"- Of course we are chinese... just look at the eyes :D
Third:"She even can manipulate the mouse of her computer with her toes"- not that exceptional... the mouse is in my hand hehehe :)
It was great to have you around :)
now that you talk about it wasn 't it you that begun with the strange faces??? hehehe
for the eyes it is very strange such a similarity, definitely you are from the same family!!! hihi
heuuuu sorry for the mouse, i missed it with the small picture while editing... i am so crap... i will change it.... hehehe
i miss you and i look forward to bug you in september. hihi
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