Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"degaine de la mort qui tue" 10-14 March 06

L'accumulation des heures passees au labo pour terminer dans les temps la preparation des echantillons ajoutees aux longues experiences menees tout le week-end jusque tot le matin semblait pourtant avoir finalement eu un impact limite. Malgre tout, ce qui devait arriver arriva .... mes collegues et amis se sont assez bien amuses en voyant la tete que je tirais lundi matin. Jugez par vous memes:

Malgre tout les resultats sont encourrageants et il ne reste plus qu'a foncer pour analyser les resultats.

I received a comment about the french language used before. Indeed, the picture was asked by my old decrepit retired father ... he does not understand english as good as others.... so i tried to be nice with this scroundrel... Some of my friends from across many european countries are just having the opportunity to practice a bit of another language. Aren't they lucky? ;)

1 comment:

Sofia said...

Hi Max. I did not enjoy the fact that you put the text in french. It took me longer to understand. Nice work. Good luck in the future :D