K8055 velleman card working! :)
using K8055_full_demo_app-
step 2:
control rc servos through the k8055 using the following 0-5vdc to 1-2 ms pulse over 16 ms cycles. (ideally 19ms but hey nothing s perfect)
components calculated from:

in bi-servo configuration: with a 1A 5vdc alimentation not delivering enough power, peak power consumtion by 1 servo induces the move of the other servo (the well known low battery power effect). Using a battery with its RC regulator showed much decreased interferences. Hence it would be good to have an alimentation of 5vdc 5A minimum (stable alimentation can be achieved easily using several parallel power regulators 7805 with a common cooler).
(adaptation from http://www.epanorama.net/circuits/servo10v.html)
edit as asked on comment:
top view (from component parts)
little help for those that want to build the circuit on a pre-drilled plastic support. don t forget to connect legs 4 and 8 of the 555.
watch out, all crossings should not be connected, check on the sheme above to make sure. The connection to the servo is depending on your device's plug, it needs signal, +5vdc and gnd.
good luck