Tuesday, June 13, 2006

the nasty surprises


Just after i left tuesday evening for short holidays, my supervisor sent an email telling there was a group meeting outside esrf the next monday and that i should do a presentation about my work !!!!
Since i do not have internet access at home and that i was in the wild land doing some camping, i kept myself unaware of it for the whole week.
so monday morning i arrived thinking about the work to do, watched my email box and jump off my seat! ... than another collegue arrived back from hollidays as well, it was also a surprise for him.
I had no more informations on the email box so i phoned to the secratariat to get the localisation of the meeting.... they had to look deep to help me.
off course i was by bike, so hop...went back home, get the car, catch the collegue at work and then we went both to Tullins (30 km away from Grenoble)
We arrived just for lunch there (which is not to make my easy eating reputation vanish) ... miam miam anyway. Apparently my boss did not exactly understand my position and the sillyness of the situation. I believe i should be ultra carefull now and always go along the walls for survival in this work jungle!


This morning i woke up very early with the sun (as usual!) and i went for a release of the pressure.... the eyes half closed (i usually wear glasses) i begun to change the water in the olives when i saw a little dark-brown stuff moving like a snake in the water!!!!!
first reaction: AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Note it was not easy to maintain the right direction for the flow that, once started you can not stop before it is +/- empty!
A closer look at it made me realise it was a lezard! how did it arrive there? it was stuck and could not escape from the basin. I believe the poor animal received the hot shower!!
Did you ever try to catch a small traumatised animal in your toilets? well it is not easy!
However, after fighting a bit i finally cought the lezard in an icecream box (whithout any ice cream in it of course!) and freed him on the edge of the window.
Maybe one day i will find it again, but i am not in a hurry!

what should i expect for tomorrow? never 2 without 3 !


I was really looking for a problem that day! finally i found an interesting one:
The remote control opening my car has a key usually only used to trigger the engine. This metallic key has been used so many times that the extremity is worn. This is so much that it is now impossible to unlock the doors manually with that key. The day the battery of the remote control will be dead, i will be stuck unable to get inside my car unless i always take with me the backup key still intact. but then i risk to loose both keys at the same time!
The cherry on the cake:
If i am stuck with the dead battery of the remote control, changing the battery with a new one won't solve the problem since it needs to be reinitialised on the engine trigger inside the car!!!! Isn't it marvelous and fantastic....


Sofia said...

You should do your work first and then take holidays heheh :)
Be carefull now ok?!
Nice pictures from your holidays ;) it seems you had a lot of fun.
Big kiss my friend

Sofia said...

Max I have to advices for you ;)
First you should put your work in front of your holidays hehehe :)
Second you should solve your problems with little animals. At least this time you did not eat it ;)

Sofia said...

What have you been doing??? No pictures... no news ;). Today is a special day so HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D.
Big kiss and enjoy the day my friend ;)